Random Thoughts – Retirement, Yogurt and Weather Woes…

Turns out the pain I’ve been experiencing is actually a tooth infection, which when cleared up will lead to either a root canal or extraction. Extraction would be the cheaper route, but not likely the one I will choose, as it’s the very back molar on my lower right side. Without that tooth, I seriously doubt my ability to chew anything other than pudding. Regardless of the route I choose, it can’t be done before I go away, so I’m on some antibiotics and some regular pain meds. The dentist won’t guarantee that nothing will go wrong given my insistence on scuba diving, but he is hopeful that my “tooth won’t explode while on holidays”. He’s a glass half empty sort of guy….

I’ve been continuing to research the move to Ecuador and want to go now. I don’t want to wait 5 years, but moving sooner isn’t feasible since there is too much work to be done on our house in order to maximize our return on investment. I know patience is a virtue, but honestly, I don’t even know what that means…

I’m supposed to be having dinner tomorrow night with my favorite old co-worker. She’s not old, but the job was. We haven’t seen each other since October, so we have a lot of catching up to do. Now, I need to hope the weather holds out because I have to drive an hour to meet her and the weatherman is calling for freezing rain and snow tomorrow. Grrrr…

Speaking of bad weather – since putting my car into the ditch in January, I’m a little apprehensive when it comes to bad weather driving. I was always quite confident in bad weather but since that fateful night, my confidence has been slightly dashed. I know I’ll overcome my issues once again, but until then…let hope Spring arrives early.

My jewelry business has off to a great start in 2012. It seems to finally be building momentum and my website is attracting more and more traffic. Let’s hope the momentum continues on at this current pace. Hmmm, perhaps the Ecuador timeline can be bumped downward to 4.5 years.

I’m sick of blueberry yogurt. I buy a variety pack of yogurt – strawberry, raspberry, peach and blueberry. J will eat everything but the blueberry, so I’m stuck with it. I used to like it, but not so much anymore.


Beatriz said…
Sucks about the tooth. As for spring, it's playing games here with us. Sunday was beautiful, low 70's with fluffy white clouds. Yesterday in the 40's with rain. Today warm probably high 60's, humid in the morning, now it's wind and dust. We now have a brown sky.

Congrats on your business :)
Brian Miller said…
was a gorgeous day here today...but i def wont bet it will hold out you know...ack on the tooth...
raydenzel1 said…
everything will work out for you in the end/
k said…
Oh ugh on the tooth...I sure hope it doesn't give you any trouble on vacation.

And i definitely vote for moving your retirement up to 4.5 (or sooner) years...would you also need a housecleaner? i need a new job and I could clean and translate - what a deal!!! ha!!

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