Hissy Fits and Anti-Social Behavior...

For those of you that have followed along for some time, you know that I don’t like the winter months and although we haven’t experienced a rough winter, it still hasn’t changed my mood.

I tend to feel like a hibernating bear - I don’t want to go outside, I want to sleep all day, I’m happy eating excess amounts of food and generally, I’m cranky when disturbed or put out in anyway. Even the ringing of the telephone sends my crank-o-meter into the “danger” zone.

I’d been thinking that perhaps I need some socialization to make me feel better and to help me snap out of this funk. I even went so far as “throwing out” a few dates to friends to come over for dinner. Honestly, I was relieved when the dates I suggested didn’t work for the friends because the idea of planning a dinner party and socializing was starting to make me second guess my good nature (aka…it was making me cranky).

Just like the winter, I know this moodiness will pass. It always does, but until then…I need a “time-out”. Now, if I can just find a spot on the floor where no one will find me...to be alone with my misery.


JennAventures said…
Agreed, even in texas where it is warm Ari and I aren't leaving the house.
raydenzel1 said…
I can do that standing up!
Simply Suthern said…
You look a bit younger than I expected. Nice piggie tails.
Beatriz said…
I think I need a time out too.
CrazyCris said…
Come hide out at my place! It may be winter, but the mercury is well above freezing and it's sunny! ;o)

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