Old News…The Mother’s Day Fiasco….

I didn’t bother to blog about when it occurred because I was still pissed off about the situation.  I’ve somewhat come to terms with it now, so here goes…
Mother’s Day isn’t overly important to me.  I don’t expect to be showered with cards, gifts, or flowers.  That’s not my style.  What I was hoping for was a low-key breakfast with my boys at my favorite breakfast spot…Denny’s.  That was not to be.
We arrived at Denny’s by 9:00 a.m. on Mother’s Day only to find that the parking lot was full and there was a line up out the door. 
This in itself was surprising to me for a couple of reasons – (1) Denny’s is fairly new to Canada and doesn't have many hardcore followers like myself; and (2) This particular Denny’s is located at a truck stop on the highway – not the typical location you would expect a bunch of snobby, yuppy mothers to be any other day of the week, let alone on Mother’s Day.
The fact that these women and their families couldn’t otherwise be bothered to eat at a budget restaurant like Denny’s, but decided to slum it on Mother’s Day really got me fired up. 
I know the reason why they were in my hood – their stupid family members didn’t bother to think ahead and make reservations at one of the best “Sunday Brunch Hot Spots” and instead wound up taking up space at Denny’s…my Denny’s. 
After circling the parking lot in a rage (my rage), we decided to move on.  We tried 2 other “less than 4 star spots”, but they too were beyond capacity with wayward mothers.  Mother’s Day breakfast was turning out to be an epic disaster. 
At this point, the perfect storm was brewing – I was beyond grumpy and hungry too.   Admitting defeat was not an option – neither was McDonald’s.   
Thank goodness Costco was close by…$1.99 hot dog and soda saved my Mother’s Day.  Where else can a family of 3 eat for under $10.00 and leave with a 6 lb bag of Doritos?  My redneck life is good…


Brian Miller said…
smiles. sorry you missed your denny's...did they make it up to you the next week?
Simply Suthern said…
So thats your Denny's huh??

Gotta love a Redneck woman.
raydenzel1 said…
We learned along time ago to go out on Friday or Saturday, never on Sunday.
Sarah said…
Hahahaha. I mean I'm not laughing and you and your sad day but the Costco thing and the fact that everyone wanted to be where you did - it's just ironic. Oh and funny you say McDonald's wouldn't do it - it did it for me on Mother's day becuase I love their iced coffee and don't mind their food and I knew that every place like where you wanted to be would be packed so I told my husband just to bring me some home. It turned out pretty good and relaxing too! Sorry you had to endure that!
Raven said…
Bummer about Denny's. I like them too. But I get a discount at Baker's Square cuz my Midget works there so we usually end up there.
k said…
Hilarious!! I'm so glad there was a Costco to save your day!!
Maude Lynn said…
Oh, I don't like it when yuppies invade my Denny's!
Beatriz said…
So funny! Well good thing you found Costco :)

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