Random Thoughts – The Weary Edition…

I don’t know what has gotten into me today, but I am exhausted – mentally and physically. The simple thought of walking to my car tonight after work is exhausting me. I’m thinking it’s the weather as it’s been grey, dreary and raining for a few days now.

Yesterday was our first warm day / night of the year. It is so nice to have the windows open at night and listen to the sounds of the frogs croaking and rain coming down. It’s not so nice once stupid dogs start to incessantly bark somewhere in the distance. If I could only figure out where…

The pace at work continues at a rapid speed. I guess it’s a good thing because my days flash by like lightning. It would be nice to actually know what day of the week it is though.

My sister-in-law is coming home for a visit from Ireland this week. J and I will head to Toronto to pick her up from the airport on Saturday. It will be nice to see her, but alas – I’ll have to forgo my nap that day. *sigh*

On the upside, it’s a long weekend in Canada. It’s Victoria Day – in honor of Queen Victoria’s Birthday. Doesn’t really matter what the day is meant to be for – to Canadians this weekend typically is the official “kick-off” to summer. Campgrounds will be busy, BBQs will be fired up and beverages will be cold and flowing freely. God Bless the Queen! Now, if we can just get a little more of that summer weather.

Happy Wednesday, which I thought was a Thursday!


Simply Suthern said…
Plant your garden. The skies will dry up.

We had a wet spring. Soon as we planted the garden we aint seen rain.
Beatriz said…
Send me the rain, I'll send you the heat. Seriously we're about to start burning up here!

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