Summer Round-Up and Camera Clean Up...

Well, now that summer has come to an end, I thought I better get cleaning up my summer stuff that's been lying around the house - patiently waiting for the next trip to the beach.  *sigh*  

This past weekend, away went the sunscreen, hat, sandals, beach bag, etc.  In the beach bag sat my camera.  The same camera I carried around all summer - most times it just sat in the bag, but there were a few photos that captured a few summer highlights... 

First Trip to the Beach - Early May, 2013

 Some of My Garden Flowers - June, 2013

Day on the Lake with Friends - July, 2013

 Beach Finds - July, 2013

 CN Tower, Toronto, Ontario Canada - August, 2013

 My Boys @ Fan Expo Canada - August, 2013

March of the Storm Troopers @ Fan Expo Canada - August, 2013

Pretty Beach Find Treasure - September, 2013

I'm sad to see summer go, but at least the memories will last me awhile.


Beatriz said…
Come visit Texas, we're still pretty warm :)
Simply Suthern said…
Never made it to the beach this year so I am going to have to live my vacation thru your pics.

I have actually been to the top of the CN Tower many moons ago. I was told you could see Niagra Falls from there. That day was so cloudy I couldnt even see the ground.

One thing I remember was how fast that dang elevator is.
Bobby Allan said…
Pretty pics! Did you just download these all now? Kind of like when my Dad would have my birthday party photos (July) on the same roll of film with Christmas.

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