Domain Dilemma...

I’ll be honest, I’m addicted to domain names. Seriously, I own domain names for businesses that I will never open and websites and blogs that will remain unpublished. I just dream up names and think that would be a cool website address, so I register them. I have a problem.

Each one has a story. - My existing jewelry business. - J's business (website under construction). - New business, which is yet to be determined. - Same as above. - This will be the name of my barefoot beach day. - This one is a work-in-progress. One day perhaps, it will be the name of the blog I use if I actually move to Bonaire. - I just liked the sound of it. - This blog, but I haven't quite got around to figuring out how to change it through blogger.

See, I told you I have a bit of a problem. Oh well, I suppose there are worst things I could be addicted to.


Simply Suthern said…
Not sure they have a 5 step program for that yet.
Beatriz said…
LOL yeah it could be worse, you could have been addicted to beanie babies
k said…
At least it's a "healthy" could be worse. :)
raydenzel1 said…
cue the evil sounding music and vincent price!
Bobby Allan said…
Oh my gosh, this is so funny that you registered all of these! I guess it's good to be prepared.

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