A Little Slice of Paradise, But Maybe A Little Too Little?

J and I have just returned from our trip to Bocas Del Toro, Panama. Our one week trip allowed us to experience a little of what this island has to offer. We mixed pleasure, with business, as we were after all trying to get a lay of the land and to see if this place could be in the running as a retirement destination.

I’m happy to report that it’s still in the running. We may just need to adjust our expectations a little.

Some of the Pros included - Beautiful Beaches; Friendly People; Warm Weather; Cheap Adult Beverages; Affordable Real Estate; Relaxed Atmosphere...

Some of the Cons included – a lot of rain (it is a rainforest after all); not many options for household shopping; no potable water – all drinkable water needed to be purchased; not a lot to do, except relax (this is also a Pro, but long term I would likely need a little bit of something, something to keep me engaged).

I'll try to collect my thoughts a little more and expand on the above Pros and Cons over the next few posts, but in the meantime, here are a few photos from the trip:

Flying into Bocas Area...

Birthday Morning Sunset...

Starfish Beach - advertised as "100's of starfish in the water".  Umm, no.

Bocas Town - Water Taxi Anyone?

Beach Day...

Delicious - new fav beverage (when in Panama)

Yours truly - on the back of the ATV we rented

Gumby found a shell...

Bamboo forest...


k said…
thanks for sharing the pics! looks like a fun & beautiful place.
Brian Miller said…
very cool capture on the star fish...i dunno i bet you could come up w something to do if you needed...
Simply Suthern said…
Seems like a nice place.

Is this where gumby retired to? I never see celebrities when we travel.

Beatriz said…
Wow! Looks awesome good to see you back
CrazyCris said…
Lovely photos! That beach may not have had 100s of starfish, but that one starfish was VERY impressive!

So you've been to my "patria" now! I was born in Panama! But haven't been back since I left at the ages of 5 months... :p
raydenzel1 said…
and the search goes on

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