A Look Down Under...

As a follow up to my Bonaire - 2012 Photo Montage (and as requested by my other favorite redhead, Crazy Cris), here is a photo montage of some of the wonderful critters that live in the lushious reefs surrounding the island of Bonaire.  Of course, these shots are all courtesy of J.

Spotted Moray Eel

French Angel - Close Up

Hawksbill Turtle (we counted 8 on one dive alone)

French Angel at the Salt Pier

Another French Angel at the Salt Pier

Queen Angel

Brown Spotted Trigger (I Think)


Brian Miller said…
nice....you explore a world i would love to at one time....so much beauty under there...
Simply Suthern said…
J has skillz, he shoots a mean pic.

Underwater is a beautiful place. Thanks!
CrazyCris said…
The angelfish are lovely, but I LOVE that turtle!!! So many on one dive?! I've never even seen one! Lucky you guys!

And BRAVO J! Those are some gorgeous shots! :o)

Thanks a million for the post! :o)
Beatriz said…
That looks sooooo cool! :)
Brindy said…
Fabulous photos, gorgeous world. It's a shame I'm terrified of water, I am unable to share this world.

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