Yep, I've Lost It....

The things I can come up with in a long, boring meeting…sometimes I amaze myself (and not in a good way).

No words of wisdom, no words of wit.
Instead there’s boredom and here I sit.
While contemplating a witty blog, I begin to feel my arteries clog.
I dream of things, I dream of places, I easily picture those bloggy faces.
To meet, to greet, to dance in the street.
Perhaps one day we’ll say hello, but until then I have to go.
Back to work, back to the grind, back to sit on my be-hind.


Simply Suthern said…

I aint real good with poems so I just Doodle or snore in meetings.
raydenzel1 said…
I have learned not to comment too much at meetings. I have found out the hard way that when thoughts or opinions are asked for, it was a mere formality. They really don't want to know. Love your job, huh!
Brian Miller said…
haha that is one way to pass the time in the
CrazyCris said…
good one! I see your meetings are very inspirational! :D
Beatriz said…
Profound and full of meaning ;D Have a great weekend!
Brindy said…
You probably came out of the meeting with more productivity than the majority in there. well done.
Bobby Allan said…
Hey, I have a long meeting tomorrow. Thanks for the inspiration.
Bobby Allan said…
Hey, I have a long meeting tomorrow. Thanks for the inspiration.

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