Tomato, Toe-ma-toe

No matter how you pronounce it – they are delicious!
Yes, things are sooooo boring in my life at the moment that I’m actually writing about tomatoes. 
Are they a fruit or vegetable?  Friend or foe?  Who cares?  I love them.
Tomatoes are now “in season” here in Canada and I’m lucky to live in the heart of farm country, with easy access to fresh local produce.   I eat at least one tomato at every meal and know it’s time to cut back on the tomatoes when I start getting canker sores in my mouth from all of the acid.  Yes, I love them that much…
I actually consider myself a bit of a tomato connoisseur and can usually tell how good they will be by smell alone.  Yes, I admittedly sniff my way through the produce department.   Loser?  Ummm, yes.  But you probably already figured that out already by this post alone.
I’m off…to make a bacon and tomato sandwich.  Hopefully things pick up or else my next post might be about french fries and gravy (again)…


Brian Miller said…
nice. bacon tomato sounds even just tomato sandwiches...with mayo...salt and pepper...mmm...had some great ones this summer.
raydenzel1 said…
someone needs a hug!
MsNscr said…
Bacon and tomato sandwich sounds amazing!
Anonymous said…
I hate tomato. They're slimy and make my skin crawl.
k said…
I never used to eat tomatoes until a few years we grow them in the backyard. Sadly this year's crop has not been so great...itty bitty tomatoes & not as many as last year. We'll try again next year though.
Beatriz said…
I remember the post about french fries and gravy! Does that make me a loser? I'm with K13, I used to hate tomatoes but now kind of like them. They've grown on me :)

Have a great weekend!
Brindy said…
I've just become the proud owner of 4 tomato plants so I'm becoming more in tune with them. We have about 10 little green tomatoes at the moment who get a daily visit to make sure they're still there. I can't wait to eat the first one from our own greenhouse.

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