Are Random Thoughts Only Allowed on Tuesdays?

I hope not because here we go…
Summer is fast escaping my grasp.  All I’m hearing about these days - how chilly the nights are becoming, back to school shopping advertisements are everywhere, soon the first frost will arrive…BLAH, BLAH, BLAH…  When it comes to my summer – I’m a glass half full sort of girl.  If you’re not on the same page as me, you need to stay the hell away or shut the hell up because you’re stressing me out.
J and I are going “camping” with friends this weekend.  I use the phrase “camping” loosely because we are actually staying in a trailer (with air conditioning and television) in a trailer park (with a pool).   I’d honestly prefer to rough-it, in a tent in the woods with no modern amenities or patio lanterns.  Trailer camping is not my version of camping.  I loathe the idea.  It’s tacky and unappealing.  What was I thinking?  Oh yeah, apparently I wasn’t…
My boss is on holidays for the next couple of weeks.  One would think that would make for an easy time of things for me (long lunches, skipping out early), but such is not the case.   You see, when he’s away – the President and everyone else in our company turns to me for all their legal needs and if their legal needs occur at the end of the day or over lunch – I’m stuck.  Oh well, I guess that’s why I get paid the “big bucks”.  HA!  I actually laughed out loud over that one.
I told you a couple of weeks ago about my long-term “move to the Caribbean plan”.  I’m still planning on moving somewhere south, but I’ve started to look at properties in Central and South America as well.  When I say “look at”, I mean peruse the online listings and then proceed to get depressed because I can’t move now.   I’m expecting instant gratification, but I know it’s going to take some time. 
Anyhow I’ve discovered, ocean front properties in Ecuador are extremely cheap.  J has his heart set on living in Bonaire, but I’m considering all options…all options that will get me to where I want to be sooner (read:  all cheap options).  I’m also considering selling a kidney or renting out my womb to raise some cash.  Anyone know the going rates for those sorts of things?
J’s having a tough time at work again with his turd of a boss.  J is an extremely patient person, but over the past 7 years, his boss has gotten the better of him and the whole situation has become a powder keg.  If it wasn’t for our “long term plan”, J would have punched him in the face by now and walked out.  I’ve told J not to let the plan stop him from quitting – especially when what his boss does amounts to tyranny and verbal harassment – not just to J, but all of his employees.  J won’t quit – he’s too worried about screwing up the timeline of the plan.  What he fails to realize is that if the stress keeps getting to him – he won’t be around long enough to enjoy the plan because he’s going to drop dead from stress and then I’ll have no choice than to find a younger substitute.  I’ve told him that, but that doesn’t faze him either.
Our itinerary for our Philippines trip has been finalized, which is pretty exciting.  Only 6 months, 28 days left to go!  The downside – I’m still paying for it and will be for the next 6 months.  I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY need to make more money. 
So with that said…I’d better get back to it…


Beatriz said…
:) I hope you enjoy the Philippines!
Brian Miller said…
ecuador...hmmm...have to think on that...where did hte summer go? have fun camping this roughing it myself...
raydenzel1 said…
Show J replacement pictures you have found online!
Bobby Allan said…
Trailer camping sounds awesome! You know, for wimpy chicks like me who won't even sit out at night for fear of mosquitoes.
MtnGrl said…
I've was salivating over (relatively) cheap properties in Salinas recently myself for my own exit strategy. JUST when I was ready to decide, a documentary on the imminent demise of civilization as we know it, said that chances of survival of 12/21/2012 will be better at higher elevations than oceanfront! Crikey. To the hills!
k said…
Oh have fun in the Phillipines!! How exciting.

I'm sorry to hear about J's nasty boss. I had one like that a long time ago - verbal abuse and all - and I ended up quitting w/o having another job lined up which is SOOO out of character for me, but it was THAT bad. Thankfully I was like 25 and had almost no responsibilities to worry about i.e. home to pay for, timeline for retirement, kids etc.

My only regret: giving her the 2 wk notice. I should have walked out! I need a re-do on that!
CrazyCris said…
NOT my idea of camping either! I actually haven't done much camping since I moved to Europe for college all those years ago because it's just too cramped here! Tent sites are so close to each other you can hear your neighbours snoring. :s

tell J "good luck!"


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