Random Thoughts - Catch Up Edition...

June is upon us, but the weather is still cooler than normal.  Maybe global warming does have something to do with it, or maybe it’s just because I live in Canada and Mother Nature hates me.

I’m still faithfully plugging away at my jewelry making, shows and online sales, but I have to say I’m getting slightly tired of it.  Lately, I’ve experienced a few shows that have left me wondering why I bother.   I’m not planning on giving it up any time soon, but I think I need to re-evaluate what makes me happy to make and not just make what people will buy.  Because in all honesty, people are picky and you can’t please them all.  I’d rather please myself.

Let’s talk about food.  Do you ever get in a food rut and get tired of making and eating the same thing every week?  I’m in a food rut right now.  I like to try new recipes, but my family can be “selective”.  I can typically please either The Boy or J, but not usually both together, so instead of trying to please everyone, I tend to stick with the tried and true and it turns out to be me that suffers in silence.  Dramatic, I know…

I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned it before, but if you’re a friend on Facebook, you’ve heard all about it.  I’m participating in Mudderella in July.  As you can imagine by the name, it’s a 6 mile run/obstacle course, all done in the mud.  Yep, call me crazy.  I should have started training for the physical portion months ago, but nope I’ve decided that mental preparation will work best for me.  What does that mean?  It means I’ve been thinking about all the training I should have been doing.  Oh well, nothing like a challenge and I perform better under pressure anyhow. 

Work has been interesting as of late.   Back in late December, we hired another lawyer to join our legal team.  Her sole purpose was to take on contracts, so I could be freed up to work on a bunch of other long term “projects”.  Well, as it turns out, she’s not interested in contracts, but instead she’d rather design letterhead, business cards, start a legal newsletter and complain about how much paper we waste and how she can’t find anything in our filing system.   Her time is limited as she has "designed" and painted a target on her back.  It's too bad, because with her gone, contracts will likely flow my way again.  Yes, it's purely selfish on my part to want to keep her, but I can't tolerate the drama either.  Life's too short for that...

What's everyone else been up to?


Beatriz said…
Still gardening and weeding, lots of weeding. Lots. I know what you mean about the drama. Maybe she should cancel her newsletter? I mean if she's so worried about using paper and all :)

Good luck on Mudderella! When I first saw that I read it as Murderella, I was only slightly taken aback when I thought I saw that :D
Rachel said…
Leave your dictionary on her desk. Highlight "irony."

Working in the garden, working on quilts, church. That's about it lately.
k said…
I like your style of preparation for Muderella...I rely on that a bit as well, but not fully....that would be scary.

I'm happy that summer is just about here though I am working 2 weeks of summer school, but that will be easy-peasy and the best part...the pay is better than my full time job...that's actually pitiful really, but it's also totally the reason I'm doing it. :) Oh yeah, and the fact that I need $$ for the Disney Cruise...shipping out in 24 days!! Wahoo!!!
raydenzel1 said…
Everyone goes through this, you are not alone.

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