Putting Pen to Paper...

Well, if we want to get technical, it's more putting fingers to a keyboard, but nonetheless, I've had some ideas, checklists, methods brewing in my brain for sometime and I've finally decided to do something about it.  What is "it", you ask?

I've decided to create a digital, downloadable, fillable travel planner.  I know, it's been done - many times; however nothing out there will compare to mine (yes, that's my opinion).  My travel research methods, checklists, packing lists, etc. have been honed, tried and tested many times, with many destinations and for that, I think I've included insight that you might not find with the existing digital travel planners out there (once again, that's my opinion).

Initially I'm offering it solely on Etsy, but who knows where it might lead.  There will be deluxe and basic versions, packing lists, budget templates, etc. - all in various color choices.

Stay tuned...who knows what I'll start to create next.  I would like to expand and share my knowledge on other travel aspects - in particular "how to successfully get "off the beaten track", finding great accommodation, restaurants, etc.

In the meantime, if you're in need of a travel planner or know of someone who does, please feel free to send them to my Etsy listing


Brian Miller said…
hey that is cool...and maybe it gets you on your journey that much faster....smiles.
Beatriz said…
That's cool! I'm a planner kind of girl myself, I love my moleskine planner:)

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