Most Depressing Day of the Year?

Today is apparently "Blue Monday" - a.k.a. the most depressing day of the year.  I'm not sure about the "most depressing day" thing, but it's more like all of January that gets me down. 

With all the hype of the holiday season out of the way, New Year's resolutions that have not started, cold and damp weather, bad roads and of course, lack of sunshine, all of January saps my strength. 

With the beginning of every January, I try to convince myself that I'll be okay.  By mid January, I've lost the "you'll be okay" battle with myself and have chance my mantra to "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger", "you can keep going long after you think you can't" and of course "suck it up buttercup". *sigh*

If I could call in sick for the month of January, the month would be manageable.  BUT, since that's not an option, I continue to trudge along in my cold weather gear with the knowledge that January only has 31 days and 9 of those days fall of the weekend, SO it's really only 22 days of work and having to leave my house.  I can do that...most likely...

Happy Blue Monday!


k said…
Ugh - I hope you made it through the day ok - the only reason it's not the most depressing day of the year here is because it's MLK day and there's no school. I guess tomorrow will be the most depressing day of the year for me. LOL!!
Beatriz said…
Well thanks to human rights we got a day off, otherwise blue it would have been. Cheer up,January is almost over!
raydenzel1 said…
just keep thinking of the plan!
raydenzel1 said…
just keep thinking of the plan!
Bobby Allan said…
It was a black (and blue) Monday for me. I fell on the ice and broke my leg.

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