In a Land, Far, Far Away...

There are days that I just can’t seem to focus.  Today is one of them.  I’m distracted by everyone, everything, every piece of paper on my desk, my pens, calculator – you name it and it will distract me.  I think it would be best described as cabin fever.  I don’t want to be here and I certainly don’t want to be doing what I’m doing. 

I dream of far off places, which causes me to search out flights.  Flights to places I won’t be going anytime soon, unless of course, I find a great deal or a bag of money on the side of the road.   But today those deals elude me.

I daydream of warm weather and sunshine.  Canada continues to be in a deep freeze with no end in sight.  Although today is sunny, it’s still not warm enough to venture outside without boots, mittens, hats, scarves, and of course a winter coat.  Of course, let’s not forget the lip balm and buckets of skin moisturizer that is needed on a daily basis.  I’m not even joking about that.  I could make a purse from the alligator hide on my hips.

I’m counting the days until we hop on the plane for our next vacation to the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador.  1 month, 1 week.   I’m excited about this vacation, but know that it won’t be cheap, so it’s causing me a bit of grief.  We had agreed to go with 2 other couples before we totally thought it through.   In hindsight, I wish we had extended our time on mainland Ecuador so we could have done some more research on potential retirement destinations.  At least we would have been spending our money wisely, instead of throwing it away on the pure joy of a vacation.  Silly me.

Now, my daydreams have turned to lunch options.   Do I eat the can of soup I brought or do I brave the cold weather to make a run to Subway….mmmm, a turkey bacon club is calling my name.  Decision made.

That’s it – between bacon and vacations, my morning has been consumed by useless thoughts.  How’s your day going?


Brian Miller said…
i say choose bacon...and vacations....ha....oy...we are on a snow day i am building forts and sled trails...
k said…
Today is my first day back at work after a 5 day break - thank you snow and president's day!! was rough this morning. I think I may need to make a Subway run now thanks to your post. :) Stay warm up there and let me know if I need to send you some moisturizer. :)
Beatriz said…
Hope it got better!

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