Random Thoughts…The Still Freezing My A$$ Off (Rant) Edition

We are still experiencing cold, cold and more, cold.  I know – I live in Canada, what else can I expect?  Well, I expect temperatures that will not cause me frostbite to my extremities that are not covered up and that exposed longer than 5 minutes to the elements (aka my eyeballs).
We’ve been under some Polar Vortex (WTF) for the last month.  Enough already.  I not only have to deal with the cold, but there is also the blowing snow and wind chill warnings on a daily basis.  It would be nice to have a day of normal driving conditions where my commute only takes an hour instead of the hour and a half of late. 
To make matters even sweller (yes, I know it’s not a word), our heat here at work only works occasionally – usually NOT on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.   I’m sure its toasty warm in here on the weekend, but I don’t plan on testing that theory out.
I took a sick day yesterday and I was actually sick.  Shocking I know.  I’m not sure what kind of bug I had, but it kept me in bed and asleep the entire day.   That’s okay, I’m in training for my hibernation that I intend to go into next winter.
Here are some photos of from around our house after this weekend’s latest blizzard.   Yes, the use of blizzard is warranted.  I haven’t seen this much snow in our yard in the last 13 years.

This snowbank was about 4 feet high.

 My new hat to keep me toasty and happy - courtesy of my SIL in Ireland.
What else to do on a blizzardy day - I finally got around to baking those cookies I missed getting to at Christmas!  Better late than never...


Rachel said…
I can't even imagine 4 feet of snow. We got 2 inches in Alabama today and our world is shut down. Crazy!

Sorry about the sickness but sleeping all day sounds divine!
Bobby Allan said…
We get a lot of snow here, too. Although, not as much as you, I say we still have the right to bitch about it. Bitch away!

Love the hat! Hope you're feeling better.
Brian Miller said…
wow...my youngest wishes our snow was as deep...but brr...its freezing out there...we got another skiff of snow last night...
Beatriz said…
We didn't get any snow but it did get pretty cold here. Austin was hit the hardest, 39F and they shut down the whole city for a couple of days! I. Kid. You. Not. It was pretty ridiculous. If you want some eye rolling worthy moments go ahead and look up their news sites.

Hope you warm up soon!
raydenzel1 said…
and that boys and girls is why I moved to Florida!
k said…
Yikes!! That's definitely A LOT of snow!!! Hope you are warm today!! We had 2.5 snow days this week...more like "ice" days since we got a whopping 4" and the whole city shuts down - it's great!! Come to the South where it doesn't take much snow to get a day at home!! :)
Brindy said…
That is a lot of snow. Looks so lovely and white in the pictures, but not fun when you have work to go to.

Hope it goes soon.

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