Random Thoughts - No Rants Today...

Why am I expected to stay at work for a full 8 hours when I can accomplish everything I need to in 3 hours?

I can hardly wait to turn the calendar page to February.  January has an ugly picture and I’m so over the woman in the photo wearing 80’s jeans.

Exercise always seems like a great idea at 3:00 in the afternoon when I’m at work.  Not so much come 7:00 p.m. when I finally have some time to exercise.

My jewelry business is doing very well considering it’s January and everyone is typically broke from the Christmas season.

I wish my jewelry business paid as well as my full-time job.

I have so many personal projects on the go, I could really use a few more hours in the day to work on the fun stuff.

I’m mid way through the book Inferno by Dan Brown and I’ve loved all of his books up until this one.  It’s too slow for my liking and in my opinion contains way too much unnecessary fluff.

I’ve noticed that it’s staying lighter a little longer in the evenings.  A couple of weeks ago, my evening commute had been made in total darkness, but now, there’s a little more light for my drive.  Come on Spring!

Happy Tuesday Everyone…



Brindy said…
We had the exact same conversation at work today, it is no longer totally dark at 4pm... roll on Spring, (and haven't had winter yet)
Simply Suthern said…
I know what you mean, I could use 30 hours days right now and I still would be behind. But it aint the fun stuff.
Brian Miller said…
wouldnt it be cool to be able to leave if you got your work done? i am glad we are marching on to spring...
raydenzel1 said…
it gets better, I loved it!
Beatriz said…
I'll take some of your hours! Barely keeping up at the moment but things are going well. With you on the whole spring thing :)
k said…
I too, am anxious for February but that's only because then I will be off of crutches. LOL!! The warmer weather will be nice too.
Bobby Allan said…
Too funny! I'm totally motivated to work out when I'm occupied with something else. When I'm free, I seem to lose that enthusiasm.

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