
Do you ever have that creeping feeling of impending doom, butterflies in your stomach for no reason, or that something’s just not quite right in the Universe, or maybe the stars aren’t quite aligned?

I usually feel at peace with myself, but not lately. For the last couple of weeks, I’ve felt “off”. I can’t pinpoint where exactly these feelings are coming from, but I know that something’s amiss. I just can’t seem to relax. I almost feel like I’ve forgotten something, but I can’t for the life of me figure out what that something might be.

Work has been busy as usual, but not enough to make me feel like this. Home life is fine – not busy there either. Life is less stressful since J has been home taking care of the daily chores and our to-do list is slowly shrinking, so it’s not that nagging at me.

I’m not sure what it might be, but one thing’s for sure…I don’t like it. 

Does anyone know if diet can make you feel anxious? I haven’t been eating the best – too many summer beverages, too much BBQ goodness and not enough greens. Maybe that’s it. Maybe it’s just stomach indigestion…

Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. ~Henry David Thoreau


Rachel said…
I'm a nail biter. I usually keep it under control but anxiety like that does not help! Sure hope things improve for you!
Brian Miller said…
pretty sure diet can play a role...sucks when you dont know what is causing it...
Simply Suthern said…
Worrying about worrying will only make it worse and may be self fullfilling.

That make sense?
Beatriz said…
Diet can do that but I know what you mean. It's like you're waiting for the other shoe to drop but not quite sure what the first shoe was either. Well hope nothing drops and that the butterflies move on.
Eddy said…
I know this feeling. If everything in your life is going okay, it could be your diet. You want to stay away from sweets & caffeine, for sure. Try eating more foods with tryptophan to raise your serotonin levels.

Examples: chicken, pork lion, tuna, salmon, whole wheat pasta, kidney beans, chicpeas, almonds, apples, oatmeal, milk, yogurt, etc.

Make sure your getting enough vitamin C, and it's also possible your vitamin B is low. You can always get a blood test to check.

Do you do any Yoga? I highly recommend it. Good for relaxing and releasing toxins from your body.

- Eddy

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