Bon Voyage...

Don't get excited, I'm not leaving permanently, just departing on a little vacation to Hawaii. I hope to actually have some time stop in and say hello. See you soon!


Anonymous said…
Pick me up something?

Have fun!
raydenzel1 said…
I will warn you, you will not want to come back.

You will be standing in the surf with a drink in your hand thinking, "How can I make this work?" I know I did.

Enjoy you time off.

@ Joshua - what do you have in mind?

@ ray - you've read my mind....
Anonymous said…
Just have a mixed drink on the beach for me.
CrazyCris said…
Hawaii?!?!?! *seething with jealousy*


Soak up the sun and the salt water and then tell us all about it! (and make me even more jealous!)

And tell your hubby we want lots of lovely pictures! I hope he gets a shot of a humu humu nuku nuku apua'a! One of my favourite fishies! ;o)
Miss Angie said…
Woohoo! have SO much fun!
Simply Suthern said…
But it aint even bad cold in Canada yet.

Hope ya have fun!
Brian Miller said…
travel light...and have fun!
Brenda said…
Oh Hawaii, how exciting! Hope you have a great time :)

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