Random Thougts - Beward of Little Girls in Sundresses...

My boss is still crazy – no doubt about it. He’s a make work kind of person and instead of just answering a question, he in return asks about three more. By carrying on with this circular questioning, he’s postponing actually having to focus on making a decision. I’m wise to his “stall tactics” and now, I’m managing to think 3 steps ahead and have the answers before he asks them. This drives him slightly more crazy than usual. If I can manage to push one person over the edge in a day, I’ve fulfilled my life’s goal. I LOVE my job… Speaking of jobs – I had my 6 month review on Friday. It went as I suspected and I am now slightly richer with the modest raise that came along with passing my probationary period. I don’t consider this a big deal because according to the HR Manager – “Nobody gets fired from here, unless of course you feel the need to jump off the building naked.” Hmmm… that left...