Self-Imposed Time-Out…
I don’t know about any of you with children, but when my son was little and was having a melt-down, being disrespectful or just plain out of control, we would put him in a “time-out”. The time-out was typically done away from others, in a quiet spot, with no outside stimulation. For us, the bottom step on our staircase worked wonders since there was nothing around, and nothing to look at except a wall. The time-out period usually only lasted 5-10 minutes, but in extreme cases it could last longer. Today, I wish someone would put me in a time-out. I’d happily find a secluded staircase somewhere in the building where I could refocus my energy and have a moment to myself, to readjust my attitude. I woke up from a good sleep and was ready for the day. AND THEN…I got to work. Duhn, duhn, duhn, dunnnnnn! I wish I could say the rest of the day will get better, but alas – it won’t. I have a “team” lunch meeti...