Tis The Season...The Soul Sucking Season...
The weekend has been a blur and I know I'm not alone when I say, the holiday season is sucking the life out of me and of course my wallet.
Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays - I just don't like the panic and anxiety it causes in everyone around me, because sooner or later, a little is bound to rub off.
It was J's birthday this weekend, so yesterday we set off to celebrate by going to a movie and then dinner and then because I had too much wine with dinner, I decided to get in some last minute Christmas shopping. Yes, I went to the mall! It's be years since I've been to the mall this close to Christmas and now I know why - the people.
I don't know how to explain it, but last night I found the mall to be the most depressing place on earth - the looks of panic on people's faces, the picked over shelves, the screaming children (and parents), the rudeness of people trying to find parking spots, everything about it was horrible. I went without a plan - big mistake and as soon as I realized said mistake, I decided to cut my losses and get the hell out of there, while I still had some Christmas cheer left (or wine buzz), but whatever.
What the hell happened to peace on earth, goodwill towards man? If everyone just took a minute to breathe and put life and what really matters into perspective, the world (and mall) would be a better place.
Bah Humbug!
Alcohol does make us brave, doesn't it?
I do know how you feel.
they are soul-sucking places at any time of the year, and must be particularly scary nowadays... :s