Chance Encounters...
I just went up to our reception area and saw a gentlemen standing with his back to me. The slight tilt of his head and his stance from behind looked oddly familiar. Could it be?
I knew he worked in town, but it’s been about 10 years since our paths had crossed. As my heart rate quickened, I felt myself beginning to blush. Should I say something just to be sure or should I just turn and walk away. What if I was wrong and it was a case of mistaken identity? I moved a little to his left side just to confirm my suspicions. It was him!
It didn’t take me long to swoop in and grab him for a hug. I’m not a total creeper and did announce his name to ensure that he had a chance to turn around and not be totally freaked out by the sudden movements of a crazy person sexually assaulting him from behind.
The man in my reception area just happened to be one of the best bosses I have ever had – even if he is a lawyer. I loved him once (in a boss sort of way) and truth be told always will.
Our career paths went in different directions - hence the reason for our separation and we haven’t been able to reconnect on a professional level. He’s chose to stick with private practice and I chose (poorly), the path of Corporate Canada. Bottom line, he can’t afford me and I can’t afford to take that BIG of a pay cut to be with him. *sigh*
After the horrible boss story of yesterday, maybe this is a sign…there may be change in the air …