I've Made a Mistake...

I’ve made a mistake.  

I should have given the standard two weeks notice and then gotten myself the hell out of this place.  Instead, I had a moral dilemma and decided to give 7 weeks notice.  I thought by doing this, I would give them lots of time to get a replacement and perhaps even given me some time to train said replacement.  I was trying to be nice.  Mistake.

I’ll admit, I might have been a bit selfish too.  I have holidays coming up and didn’t want to start with the new company and then take a week off.  I was worried it would look bad to my new co-workers and I certainly didn’t want to take it unpaid, which was what I would have needed to do.  Stupid me.

So, here I sit in Week 5 of my notice period – bored beyond belief and aggravated by my stupidity.  They still haven’t started the interview process for my replacement, so instead of utilizing this time to train someone, I’ve been asked to write detailed processes for everything I do.    

I am ready to stick a fork in myself because I am SO done with writing processes that NO ONE will ever read.   I’m tempted to leave them this one….it has served me well and since I'm all about sharing...

What do you think?


Raven said…
LOL, I love that one! Somehow I don't think your boss would appreciate it as much as I did though. hehe

Have a great Wednesday, and I hope you can stave off becoming a vegetable for just a bit longer.
raydenzel1 said…
After your holiday tell them oops! I have to go now, Ciao!! Now do you feel better?
VandyJ said…
MS Access is also useful to have open--there are fewer people who understand it than understand Excel. I've found it useful in looking busy.
Rachel said…
There's a light at the end of the tunnel! Do not dispare!
Jody said…
Not long now and you will be out of there. You tried to do the right thing so appreciate yourself, even if they can't. I don't blame you for leaving one bit.
Beatriz said…
LOL! That was hilarious :) I can't get away with Excel though because we all work with that program in my lab :/ believe me I wish they didn't know anything about it!

Good luck surviving your last 2 wks! Oh and by the way I think you should totally include the one posted here :D
Brian Miller said…
smiles. one 2 weeks left right? you can make it...smiles.
At least you still have entertaining us to pass the time.
Simply Suthern said…
Yeah, Ya Did. LOL

On the other hand I think you said you had too, so you honored that. Shows where the character lies.

I've never had to work a notice. When ya quit it was adios bud.

Make the best out of the next 2 weeks. Good luck to ya.
CrazyCris said…
hang in there! only 2 weeks to go and then you can say "so long suckers!!!" :p

and just enjoy your holidays, you deserve them! :o)

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