Caution - Bad Mood Ahead...

Saying I woke up on the wrong side of the bed would be an understatement.  My mood says I woke up under the bed, with the dust bunnies.

I'm cranky bitchy.  

Don't ask me why.  Who the hell knows.  Who the hell cares.  I know it and I'm dealing with it (in my own way). 

My mother used to say if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.  So with that little tidbit, I leave you with this (it made me smile - yesterday).   



I would say you do have it bad, if the Grim Reaper makes you laugh! LOL!

Your blog banner cheers me up, what a lovely place to daydream.
VandyJ said…
Everyone's entitled to their off days. Hope it passes soon.
Simply Suthern said…
LOL, Well they say the first step to getting better is to admit you got it. Cheer up at least that aint you there in the chair.
raydenzel1 said…
Vacation is coming up? You will be fine.
Maude Lynn said…
If you can't say anything nice, come sit next to me! Can't remember who said that originally . . .
Brian Miller said…
ha. my what cold hands you have...

so why not go back to bed? smiles.
Beatriz said…
I'm with you but I say enjoy being cranky (or bitchy), I find it relaxing. After a day of bitchiness I find myself refreshed ;D
Sarah said…
Nice cartoon - you seem to find a lot of funny ones. Hope you day is getting better - it will be over soon (if it isn't already by the time I am writing this). Hugs from me to you!
Rachel said…
It happens to the best of us.

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