Anti-Social Much?

I've mention before that I work in a technology company.  We make stuff that makes the internet work better  (at least that's the gist of what our marketing material says).  

Anyhow, as you can imagine our organization is dependent upon technology, gizmos and gadgets and since we are so cutting edge, the company recently had "smart boards" installed in all our meeting rooms.  These smart boards apparently "allow for better collaboration and idea sharing".  

What are they?  Well, to me - they are  the very expensive version of  the old fashioned white board with the smelly markers.   But, with these ones - when you write on them (with fancy markers), and your notes can then be shared with others in remote locations.  

What does this mean?  It means I NEVER have to sit in a boardroom and listen to another boring technical presentation ever again.  I love technology...and the anti-socialist movement.


Brian Miller said…
smiles. there are a few meting si would have loved to smart board....
Simply Suthern said…
It's bad when the boards are smarter than us.
raydenzel1 said…
Meetings can be mind numbing depending on the speaker. We have one once a week. I call it our weekly beating. It's not that bad, but one needs gallows humor at time in business.
Beatriz said…
That's hilarious! Glad you're enjoying your new job :)
VandyJ said…
Are you at the new job yet? If not, at least you don't have to do smart board for too long.
And it's unfortunate that I know too many people that are like that cartoon.
Raven said…
Love that cartoon. LOL!

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