
October is upon us and with that, so is the colder weather.  

No, this is not going to be another moan and groan post about shitty Canadian weather.  Instead, I will take this opportunity to share with you some of the things I DO like about living in Canada in October (while it is still sunny and before it snows).

The Fall Colors (or Colours if you’re Canadian)

They truly are breathtaking...

Pumpkin Spice Latte

I try to avoid Starbucks for the rest of the year, but I can’t resist the call (or the smell) of Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Yummy…

Fall Mums

Fall Fairs 

I literally diet like crazy two weeks before our local fall fair because I cannot resist the “food fare” – Corn Dogs, Poutine (it’s a Canadian thing - fries, gravy and cheese curds), Candy Apples, Back Bacon on a Bun (Canadian/Peameal Bacon), Gyros and .  As you can see - I like to make a day of it…



Pumpkins make me happy.  I love their color, texture and of course their delicious pies….

Happy October! Enjoy it while you can...


Simply Suthern said…
I love the fall colors. Thanks for sharing. I dont think ours will be quite as nice this year due to the late summer dryness.

Fair food. MMMMMMMMMM. Can you actually diet enuff??? It all looks so good.

We have local Renassiance Festival starting here this weekend. I cant wait to dig into some of that food. Th turkey legs are great.
Brindy said…
The colours are beautiful. Our autumn (fall) is still a few weeks away, but I also love the colours when all the trees turn.
raydenzel1 said…
The second picture truly looks like a painting. Truly beautiful!
f8hasit said…
Oh my.
The photos of the trees are gorgeous! But diets be damned....I've got to get me a plate of that poutine.
VandyJ said…
Fall here means lots of golds as the aspens and cottonwoods turn colors. We don't get much red, or orange. Fall also means hunting season--Elk and deer are what my husband will be chasing next week. Wish us luck.
Brian Miller said…
oh..october is making me hungry...pumpkin spice latte...mmm....
Beatriz said…
Love the photos!! But yeah Poutine is definitely a Canadian thing. You had me at gravy covered fries but lost me at cheese curds!
CrazyCris said…
That second photo is breathtaking! And it represents everything I miss most about the Fall when I'm in Alicante, and which I plan to enjoy to the utmost this year in Belgium while I'm out hiking!

As for pumpkins... they just make me think of Jack'O'Lanterns! ;o)
Sarah said…
Oh I love it all! Awesome pics! It is all so true too - all of that makes fall a lot better, eh? :) I think it is a good month because it is when I was born! Haha.
Bobby Allan said…
Gorgeous! I love candy/caramel apples. So does my dentist when they pull my fillings out.

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