Pacification or Maturation?

My son was home from college this past weekend for Thanksgiving.  It was great to spend some time with him.  I know it’s only been a little over 6 weeks since he’s been gone, but I could really see how much he’s matured in such a short period of time.  He actually used a sentence like “It would be frivolous of me to ask you buy that.  I don’t need it.”  Whaaaat?

He’s decided that he does not like the program that he’s in and is planning on switching in January.  He’s currently in Broadcast Television, but wants to move into Marketing.  He’s was worried that J and I would be disappointed in him wanting to switch.  J and I both told him that we won’t be disappointed in him; provided it’s want he wants to do.  We’d rather him be happy in life than to regret his choices.  The semester won’t be a total loss since two of his four courses are transferable to the new program. 

I support his choice to move to marketing and have no doubt he would be good at it.  I’m slightly skeptical about how he will like his first two semesters.   I know my son – he’s more of a creative “hands-on” person.  The academic stuff is going to bore him.  I can already hear the conversation in my mind – “Finance is boring”, “Business Law is stupid”, “I don’t see how creating a business plan is relevant.”   I have no doubt he will do extremely well once he gets through the academic crap.  I’ve voiced my concerns and he agrees, but says is prepared for it.   

Maybe he is maturing…or has finally learned the art of pacification.  Either way…I’m fine with it.


Brian Miller said…
there is some definite maturation there...thats pretty cool...good job supporting him in it...
VandyJ said…
The challenge of picking a major(program-whichever it's called). Hope he like the newer program and gets through the basics without too much trouble.
Simply Suthern said…
Mine has not picked a program yet. She waffled between art,marketing, Business and engineering. Quite the broad choices, Ah? All I know is it will not involve history or writing.

She has matured a bit these first couple months. I am sure he has. But they learn to blow a bit of smoke as well. LOL
raydenzel1 said…
My younger daughter changed 3 or 4 times before settling down. Hang in there it will be a bumpy ride. But it will all work out.
I'd say a bit of both :) Mine is 17, still hasn't learned how easy I am to pacify!!!
Brindy said…
Ah, he's growing up. We have one at 26 that is just getting there - but then he's never lived away from home!

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