Things I Don't Care About Today...

Don't panic, it's a short list...

Municipal Elections – It’s municipal election day here in Ontario.  It’s time to vote for our town mayors and council members.  Since no one has bothered to run against my current mayor, I don’t really care.  Thank goodness this day will soon be over.  I’m sick of hearing the smear campaign ads and I’m sick of election signs polluting the side of the roadways and intersections.  

Bed Bugs – I’m tired of hearing about the spreading bed bug infestations.  Did you know, they are taking over New York, Toronto and they are coming soon to a town near you?  Enough already - as someone who loves to travel, it’s freaking me out and making me itch!


VandyJ said…
My mom came up with this little tidbit--you need to wash or at least throw into the dryer for 20 minutes anything you order new--it might be infected with bed bugs. Sigh, come back off the edge, mom.
Brian Miller said…
ack. had not heard about the bed bug epidemic....itch....itch...

elections....ack again....
Simply Suthern said…
I am all for the elections being over. Then the signs just lay there even with the sign law. They caught a guy stealing another guys sign locally. Jeepers people. What are we running for here? High school treasurer?

Enuff of that.

My wife freaks now about the bedbugs cause I travel a bit. Anything they can get you stirred up about.
Rebecca S. said…
I'm sick of hearing about bedbugs too. They say we can blame the Olympics for the recent epidemic in Vancouver.

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