A Gift From Heaven?

I may have mentioned in a post or two before that I love the greasy goodness of Denny's Restaurants.  I firmly believe the Grand Slam is a gift from a greater being.

The downside of my love affair with Denny's is that they are only located in the United States and the only opportunities I get to enjoy them is when I happen to travel across the border.

Imagine my surprise when I was on my way home this evening from London, Ontario (a mere 40 minutes away) and off in the distance, I spot a yellow glow.  As I squinted to focus in on the beacon of brightness, I slowly begin to comprehend what is before my eyes...

I couldn't believe my eyes - there it was - at a truck stop along the highway.  A truck stop that I drive by a few times a month.  I started to squeal (yes squeal) and point.  J couldn't figure out what my problem was until his gaze followed my finger.   

"Holy hell, you're going to be 400 lbs" was his response.  Some would say those would be fighting words, but I was too happy to let his negativity burst my bubble of joy.  Guess where I'm going for Sunday breakfast?


Brian Miller said…
hehe...love his response...enjoy breakfast!
Brindy said…
How Brill!

I'm a Black Bear Diner girl myself. Their stack of pancakes and fresh fruit - yummy!

Can't wait for my next trip to California - but probably only in my dreams for a couple more years!
Rachel said…
Oh, wow! I'm so happy for you! I loooooooooooove breakfast!
raydenzel1 said…
Everyone needs to have a happy place. Yours happens to have a big yellow sign!
Raven said…
lol the Grand Slam is awesome!
k said…
That is hilarious!! My husband feels the same way about Denny's and there aren't any near us.
Sarah said…
Haha. That is too funny. I don't know if I remember you mentioning that but that is awesome. I am happy you got one! And by the way, I will post more details soon about our move so you can know what is going on unless you prefer me to email you! I think my family reads my blog but they know more about the details already and I swear you are my only other follower - hehe! Anyway, that is great! Have a great weekend!
Beatriz said…
Ha! That is awesome! There is nothing I love more than having breakfast on Sunday mornings at Denny's or IHOP with the family :) Actually the ex-roommie, current roommie, and I sometimes do breakfast at IHOP on Saturday or Sunday :) Always so much fun!
Simply Suthern said…
I have been around Denny's forever and have never eaten there. Sounds like I am missing something.
JennAventures said…
In High School Denny's was the place to be because it was open 24 hours. So if you went to the late show you could grab food after.

I haven't been to one since, but I appreciate your joy. I'm the same way about Chick A Fillet.

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