Lost & Found...

Sorry for the bulleted post, but I’m having difficulty forming complete thoughts today…

I am happy to report that my son has safely returned from his Alaskan vacation. He had a wonderful time, made a lot of new friends and brought home a ton of happy memories and a ton of laundry to go along with those memories…

Funny thing, he completely lost track of his days and didn’t realize his birthday had come and gone. It wasn’t until the next day that he clued in that he had gained a year. It makes me kind of sad that he didn’t miss us, but it does mean he was having a great time and wasn’t thinking about home. I guess that’s either the sign of a distracted boy or a true holiday…

Turns out, I worried for nothing, with the exception of one thing, he actually returned home with everything he left with - his passport, camera, wallet and even some money (shocking, I know).

The “exception” turns out to be his girlfriend. Although he didn’t physically “take” her along, he did “have” one before he left, but not when he returned. I don’t know all of the details, but somewhere along the Pacific Coast, a relationship was buried a sea. According to my 17 year old, the vacation gave him some “clarity on certain relationship issues” (yes he said that) and he came to the conclusion that she had treated him badly for the last 9 months and he realized there is so much more to life than her. It saddens me to know his heart may be hurting because she was his first love, but I am proud that he came to that conclusion on his own. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t disappointed and it took everything in my control to bite my tongue and not say “I told you so.”

I do need to have a chat with him about his break up methods. Efficiency was obviously his number one priority and once his mind was made up, he decided it was best not to drag it out any longer than possible. Needless to say in his 17 year old wisdom, he decided a phone call was in order as soon as the ship came into port. Yikes!

When I expressed my concern over the phone call, he didn’t realize I was concerned with the method and had assumed I was upset with the long distance charges and exclaimed “Don’t worry mom, it was a 30 second phone call. As soon as I told her, she hung up on me!” Efficient and cost aware – who knew?


CrazyCris said…
Oh my, I'm afraid I'm laughing at that break up call! Shameful I know, but it does accommodate the teenage boy stereotype!
Hopefully you'll make him understand better... if more men out there had mums as good as you then there might be fewer j*rks out there! :p

Hey, why don't you see if he'd be willing to share some of his adventures with us here in your blog? I for one would love to hear some more about Alaska and see some pix!!! :o)
Cris - I had to admit, I had to hold myself back from laughing out loud at the break up call scenario. Funny thing, he is so sensitive any other time, but boys will be boys...

I'm hoping he will at least share some of his photos and stories...let me see what I can bribe him with.
Beatriz said…
I laughed with the break up story as well! My youngest sister is like that too. They surprise your with their "depth" and wonder where they get that stuff :D She recently moved with my parents and simply called her boyfriend of the moment, said I'm moving I don't think it'll work long distance, have a good life. Did not go over as well as she had hoped apparently :D
Brian Miller said…
sounds like you have a wise boy, mostly. give him credit, he came home with every thing, even money. i don't know if i ever did that at his age. now with all the spare time (no girlfriend) you have plenty of time to teach him the ways of breaking hearts gently.
k said…
Awesome! I was laughing too. And he'll probably figure out that it wasn't the best method, but it worked for now.
Bobby Allan said…
Funny! I think it's great that he didn't text her goodbye. And good for him coming to that awareness on his own.

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