The Horror! The Horror!

I should start by saying that I am not a vain person and I don’t spend a lot of time parading myself in front of the mirror; however I now feel the need to be a little more vigilant so that these things don’t sneak up on me…
I know what you are likely thinking and no, I did not discover a wrinkle – those have been around forever and in any event, I prefer to call them “experience creases”. Nor did I discover a new patch of gray hair – those too have been common knowledge for a few months now. If you care to read more about that traumatic event, you can click here.
This discovery is much worse than those that have come before. To my horror, while I was applying face cream this morning, I noticed I had company and like most house guests, this one was not welcomed either. A wart you say? No, that would have been welcomed compared to this…
I know it wasn’t there when I went to bed last night, so at some point during my “beauty” slumber, I was accosted by this unwelcome menace and now, I am feeling overwhelmed, violated and beside myself (literally - one just happens to be on top of the other).