Happy Friday The 13th...

I'm not one to get caught up in the unlucky hype of Friday the 13th. I figure karma has just as good of a chance of biting me in the ass on a Monday as it does on the 13th of the month, that just happens to fall on a Friday. Yeah, I'm cynical that way.

A place where I used to work, used Wednesdays as the days when they used to terminate people. Their rationale was that they "didn't want to ruin people's weekends by terminating them on a Friday". Ummm, geeze - thanks for your kindness...

Anyhow, whaetevr your beliefs may be - I hope you have a fantastic day! Happy Friday!!!


Brian Miller said…
you know i went all day and did not realize it was friday the 13th...but it all makes sense now...ha..
Simply Suthern said…
Weren't any worse than any other day.

Take that either way.
CrazyCris said…
Here's a cultural difference for you: in Spain "the" day to beware is TUESDAY the 13th!

"Martes y trece, ni te cases ni te embarques"
(Tuesday and thriteen, neither get married nor set sail)

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