Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow...

Yesterday was The Boy’s 20th Birthday. I’m not sure how I feel about that little tidbit. Yesterday, it seemed like just another day, but today I’m feeling a little overwhelmed by the thought of where the last 20 years of my life went.

Today would have been my mom’s 63rd birthday. As with the last 20 years, the 5 years since her passing have flashed by. I don’t know where the time has gone. So much has happened, yet so little has changed.

Tomorrow, I’m having lunch with my boss to complete my performance review. We NEVER go for lunch together until it’s performance review time and then suddenly he feels the need to take me for lunch. Maybe he feels if he feeds me first, I’m less likely to speak my mind. I’d much rather just meet in his office and get it over with. Ugh…

Day After Tomorrow is pay day! Everyone LOVES pay day – even if the money is spent before you receive it. Wait, maybe that’s just me…

And then…it’s Friday! Need I say more?

Happy Tuesday – I hope your week is fantastic!


Brian Miller said…
i leave for vacay on thursday am counting down with a quickness...
Simply Suthern said…
I am back from the vacation and my mid year review is this Friday.

There will be no lunch.

Time does fly by.

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