September Recap to Date...

The weather this past weekend (yes, I realize that was almost a week ago) was not nice – at all.  It was either raining or when it wasn’t raining, it was so cold that pants and a long-sleeved shirt were required. 
With the arrival of colder weather, cold and flu season has also arrived.  There are two people in the vicinity of my office that are sick.  I cannot stand the sound of someone sniffling and not blowing their nose.  “Gross” is all I have to say about that…
My father-in-law held a yard sale this past weekend (in between when it wasn’t raining).  I swear that man could sell air conditioners to Eskimos.  We had taken him a small amount of “junk” that had been lying around our basement for years to sell on our behalf and he conveniently made us a nice $400.  Have I said how much I love than man?  I love him even more since he didn’t ask for a commission.
My new found wealthy feeling didn’t last long…  On my way into work on Tuesday, I had a rock from a passing dump truck land on my windshield.  I now have a nice golf ball sized “chip” in my windshield which will need to be replaced before winter because once the cold weather arrives in will spread and crack in a million different directions.  Argh…
The Boy has started commuting with me this week.   I’ve commuted alone for the past 20 years, so having another person with me will require some adjustment.   All I can say is that it’s a good thing he’s entertaining, otherwise his constant chatter might drive me over the edge.
With The Boy starting school, his complaining has already started and so has his stressing about his workload. 
The Boy:  “Between work, commuting to school and school, I just don’t know how I’m going to keep up.  I’m tired all the time.” 
Me:  “Welcome to the real world.”
The Boy:  “That’s all the words of wisdom you have?”
Me:  “At the moment, that’s all the words of wisdom I have energy for.  I’m tired.  I work – remember?”
The Boy:  “Fair enough.”
My boss was not in the office today.  Turns out – he was off for a colonoscopy.  I’m sure there’s a joke in there somewhere, but I’m not feeling witty enough to find it. 

Have a great night folks...


Brian Miller said…
haha..welcome to the real world, for sure...

wont insurance cover the windshield? did on mine...

love the cooler weather but you can keep the flu...
Anonymous said…
"Welcome to the real world." - Very real, very wise words. Much better than "Welcome to home ownership." That one always pissed me off.
k said…
Great words of wisdom for the boy....sad but true words of wisdom in fact. :)

Can you FIL come down to help me with a yard sale in a few weeks? :)

Have a good weekend!!
raydenzel1 said…
Ah yes winter. Before you know it , it will be a chilly 80 degrees during the day!
Beatriz said…
:D I am so with you although you might be tempted to throw something at me after this! We went from 100F weather to 85F practically overnight and I felt cold. I still am cold! However, I'll take my light jacket over wanting to go naked because it's so damn hot here!

Hope you get a few warmer days before the cold really sets in.
CrazyCris said…
Yikes! That rock in the windshield does NOT sound nice! :s

I'm enjoying a lazy Sunday (so lazy I can't seem to get myself to the beach, am recuperating from a late night of tennis on TV) by doing some blog catching up!

Good to know I can always come here for a smile! ;o)
Sarah said…
Ugh, the windshield thing - let me tell you about that one! :) My windshield has had a crack in it since 2007 - lol. I've had the car since 2006 but am too cheap to fix it since it isn't that bad. I think we are going to finally fix it soon. Bummer though.

I love the words of wisdom for your son too. It's so true that when you are yound you are dying to grow up but once you get there, it isn't all that great. Ha. I look forward to these talks with my son someday (ok, not really but it will be funny).

Hope your week is great! :)
Bobby Allan said…
Wow, sounds like you have the same money karma as me. Once I get a few nickels to rub together, something goes wrong. I blew a tire this week just when I thought I might buy some new clothes!

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