Got a plan? No, me neither…

For years, I’ve never really been bothered by my slight weight gain.  I figured that a few pounds over the course of the year can’t be all that bad.  What I failed to take into account was that a few pounds multiplied by a few years equals “a helluva lot of weight gain”.   I know.  I’m a mathematical genius…
I’m also plagued by hypothyroidism, which causes weight gain for no particular reason, even when medicated properly.  Couple that with the fact that I hate vegetables and ridiculous amounts of exercise…I’m doomed. 
According to the National Institute of Health, I’m bordering between overweight and obese.  Obese?  I hate that word, but it’s true.    My “healthy” weight should be within the range of 101 to 136 lbs.  Holy hell – that’s a long way from where I am.
How in the world am I going to get there?  I’m not quite sure, but somehow I need too.
What’s changed?  Why the sudden need for weight loss?  Well, it’s simple – I’m not comfortable with my physical self.   I’m at the far end of the “average” size limit for clothes – next stop “plus” sizes.  I don’t like the look of my butt in the mirror (yes, I check it often).  I don’t like the fact that my thighs rub together when I walk (swish, swish, swish) and I’m worried I might spontaneously combust if I move too quickly.    All sad, but true…
I don’t expect miracles overnight, but I do expect that in a year from now and in time for my Philippines trip, I will have reached my “healthy” weight.   That’s 2.5 lbs per month.   I’m being realistic, it has to be “slow and steady” or otherwise, I might combust.


Brian Miller said…
i hear you...i need to drop about 15 wishes to you on your goal...
Sarah said…
Oh I am right there with you. Except I am younger and really shouldn't be this heavy. I should weigh less too but I relized the other day that I have about 25 pounds to go - not as bad as it could be and not as bad as it used to be! From the pics I've seen of you, you don't look big at all! I would never say you are anywhere near plus size! I'm not there either but on the larger end of the normal scale as well. Anyway, good luck with whatever you decide to do! I am trying to work on myself again too. Summer is coming!
JennAventures said…
Oh man. I'm sending you mental encouragement!
Barb said…
Ugh. I almost cried when I realized my BMI put me in the obese range. Just barely, but there. I'm turning 45 next month (about 6 weeks from now) and I'm hoping to making it to "overweight" by then! Good luck. :)
Maude Lynn said…
Good luck! It creeps up on all of us, I think.
Simply Suthern said…
I am on the borderline between overweight and obese as well. Thank goodness I didnt have the energy to drag my arse all the way across that line.

I dont have a plan but am working on it. Going down I mean, not crossing the line.
CrazyCris said…

I had to double check and see if I was on your blog... 'cause for a moment there I thought I was reading into my own mind!

slight weight gain over several years? check.
BMI borderline obese? check. *shudder*
dislike of lots of veggies etc.? check.
dislike of going to the gym? check

"I don’t like the fact that my thighs rub together when I walk (swish, swish, swish)"
-> add to that the frustration of a pair of pants not lasting a year since they always end up breaking at the thigh seams... :s

Only way I've been able to lose weight is increase my activity level (hiking and diving are great for that... but haven't had much of a chance since I got back 2 months ago), and trying to watch what I eat. I find if you just pay attention you realise what you SHOULDN'T be eating and can avoid some things.

Anyhow: GOOD LUCK!!!

slow and steady is definitely the way.
Rebecca S. said…
I got to a similar place last year and called a friend for advice. She told me I could lose weight by tapering my eating throughout the day, that as we age our metabolism slows as the day goes on. Now I eat a big breakfast, good sized lunch, an afternoon snack and a really small supper, with little or no carbs. No after supper snacks or dessert except on weekends and special occasions. It was hard at first because I felt hungry after supper, but I just kept drinking water and herbal tea to fill my gut. Soon, my stomach shrunk so I was able to consume less on a consistent basis and lost weight steadily. I'm now where I was 7 years ago without increasing my exercise load at all, and without feeling deprived. I hope this helps, and good luck!
raydenzel1 said…
Because it happens so slowly over time one does not pay attention. It happens to everyone. Your goal is right on time wise. Just be happy with the gradual improvements. ( note to self, read all of the above. )
Raven said…
Good luck with the extra weight. I gained a bunch due to my bipolar meds and just can't seem to lose it. Though the fact that I don't exercise and love my carbs hasn't helped me get real far.
k said…
I'm in the OBESE category too...and likely the same clothing size as well...not a great feeling, is it?

I am trying to drop weight on my own because I simply do not have the time or $$ for WW these days...although in the past when I have joined WW, I have been very successful. Of course, I was single then too which makes a HUGE difference.

E is 3 and I guess it's about time to drop that baby weight!!

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