I Am What I Am...

I’ve had a headache for over a week now.   I think it’s hanging on thanks to the shitty weather we’ve been having, or it could be my pillow or my sore shoulder or lack of a good night’s sleep.   You get the picture – it’s a friggin headache that won’t go away.
I’m trying to plan another vacation, but the necessary funds needed for such an excursion seem to be alluding me.  It would be quite simple to just charge it and worry about paying for it later – after I have a suntan and have escaped this hell-hole called Canadian winter (if only for a little while).  Why must I be so damn responsible?   I hate me at the moment.

Today, we were blessed by rain, freezing rain, sleet, then snow and then a flash freeze.   More snow expected tomorrow.  Fantastic.  I know you are jealous.  I accept that…

If the money tree in the backyard magically sprouts, I think we’ll be planning a trip back to Puerto Rico.  I loved it there and it sunny, warm and affordable. Win, win, win, win…

I took a jewelry course in precious metal clay on the weekend.  It was a lot of fun and I made some great pieces.  Basically, it’s clay that turns into a silver, bronze or copper metal when fired in a kiln.  Now, I need to purchase a kiln if I want to further this new found skill.  Go figure – I need money for that too.  Why can’t fun stuff be free or affordable?   I’ll be honest – I’d choose a southern vacation over the kiln any day. 

I have a couple of family functions this weekend – a birthday party for my spawn of Satan nephew.  It’s a shame, but I’m not kidding on that one.  The boy is beyond a handful – more like a raging dump truck full of attitude.   The other family function is a baby shower for my niece (sister of spawn of Satan), which I cannot attend because I have another class this weekend.   If I could give up the birthday party for the baby shower, I wouldn’t.   I can’t stand baby showers… or wedding showers… or anything that serves tiny sandwiches.    
Yeah, I’m sure your sensing the anti-social vibe I’m giving off.   No apologies…I am what I am.


k said…
If the money tree DOES sprout, can you send a little my way? I really want to take a road trip up to Michigan in March for an informal HS reunion and then I could make the trek over to Toronto to visit you!!!!
k said…
And I'm commenting again so I can "click" on the box to get follow-up comments, because it wasn't there the first time around...stupid Blogger!
Brian Miller said…
calling dibs on some money tree seeds in case it does...got a few destinations in mind myself...so sounds like you have a fun week planned...
Brindy said…
Lack of sleep = grumpy
Lack of money = grumpy
Family events = grumpy
Horrible weather = grumpy
Constant headache = grumpy

You are excused for being a little grumpy! You have reason!
webruci said…
You are the best! I don't have to much time in this shity world to blogging but certainly the animated thing to pass here and read your blog. You can make my day to be funy:)
raydenzel1 said…
consider it part of the January funk.
you will be fine.
Maude Lynn said…
I despise little sandwich parties, too!
Simply Suthern said…
Sorry to hear You aint feeling too swooft.As for grumpy, Sounds like you are completely entitled.

Hope things get better soon.
Raven said…
I planted a money tree too, but they are picky and won't sprout for just anyone. I'm still trying to figure out how to make mine sprout. If you get yours too, send me the secret, K? ;)

I'm antisocial too. I like my friends to stay in the computer, where they belong.
Bobby Allan said…
I'm with you. I would rather be INSIDE a kiln than attend a shower.

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