Craft Show Photos...

Here are some photos from my first craft show. 

I re-purposed the doors, which I found at a yard sale for $5 by cutting them in half and painting them.  I made the table clothes myself and those of you that have been around for a while know how much of a challenge that would have been for me.  To sum it up, sewing sucks.

Over all I was happy with the booth turnout.  I received some comments on how good it looked from other vendors and even a few from other jewelry makers.  


Simply Suthern said…
Oh wow! Very nice. Seems you have been very busy. I like your jewelry.

I love the word re-purposed. Sounds much better than modified. I will have to start using that.
Brian Miller said…
they turned out really nice...and the booth looks wonderful...
CrazyCris said…
Definitely looks like a nice set up, and I'm amazed at how many pieces you had there for the show... busy, busy bee!
raydenzel1 said…
I don't know, looks like a lot of work. I am thinking of becoming a professional bed tester.
raydenzel1 said…
Presentation is everything. The time, effort, and style of your work shows through. Handcrafting is an art in itself, made more so by the show effort. nice job!
Rebecca S. said…
I really like the doors. The necklaces look great on them. Very appealing display!

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