Ocean Whitecaps...

Just like Nancy's post earlier this week, I too have always been inspired by water - oceans, lakes, rivers or streams.  It doesn't really matter.  Just being near water provides me clarity and brings me serenity.  Here is one of my ocean inspired pieces - made from genuine sea glass handpicked by yours truly from the sunny, sandy beaches of Puerto Rico. 

Ocean Whitecaps


JennAventures said…
so so so so pretty- I love sea glass!
Rachel said…
Oh, wow! I love this!
Sarah said…
OMG - that is soooo pretty! I love it!

Sorry I have been absent. Life has been moving at an insanely busy clip recently! I swear I will be a good follower again soon and comment more! (And maybe type something for you to read too if you are bored)!

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