Wednesday - Why Are You So Boring?

“What a difference a day can make” or so the saying goes… 
Monday I was miserable, Tuesday merely grumpy, so by today one would think I should be only slightly irritated and by tomorrow, I should be moving on down the road to happiness and by Friday, I should be farting rainbows.   Yeah for Friday!  Coincidence?  I think not.
But alas, today is not Friday.  It’s Wednesday – middle of the week - not as great as Thursday, but not as bad a Tuesday - Hump Day.  Simply put, Wednesday is a boring day…
For me, Wednesday means:
  • Only 2 more sleeps until Friday arrives;
  • Crappy night of television – there is nothing on television Wednesday nights;
  • Tonight - pizza for dinner;
  • Lack of motivation to exercise.  I typically run out of steam mid-week and this week is no exception;
What does Wednesday mean for you?


raydenzel1 said…

the post above will explain, sort of.
a day of rest, for a change.
Rachel said…
Wednesday is my Saturday.
JennAventures said…
Oh Journey-You need to start watching Happy Town on ABC on Wednesday-its cheesy, but Sam Neil is always a Delight!

I am having a terrible week as well.
Brian Miller said…
sounds like pizza would be th highlight of my day...
Simply Suthern said…
Wednesday is my normal day to work from home but not this week. That means baked Chicken at Lupie's. Not a bad trade off. I stay rather busy at work so it aint normally boring.
Glad it is Wednesday,
way to go,
you are getting cheery and merry...
k said…
For the Summer, Wed is my Friday, but for the rest of the year they are the pits.

I'm hating those internet nazis for you. Boo on them! They should find something else more productive to do with their time..don't they know you have blogs to read.

My word verification is "foons"...I think that's a good word to substitute for the internet nazis. :)
Maude Lynn said…
Definitely counting sleeps till Friday!
Sarah said…
I thought your comment on your last post was funny about James Cameron - I actually liked Titanic but I agree that Avatar was bleh. My husband loved it because it is a dork and likes sci-fi. I agree that Wednesday is boring. But I do feel lucky that since I got my new job, I don't really notice the days that much - they blur together and go fast! But I still do love my weekends!
Anonymous said…
You totally need to watch 'Modern Family'. Awesome.

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