Me, Myself and I...

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to spend some time with myself. 
For a few blissful hours on Saturday, I wasn’t a mother, I wasn’t a spouse, I wasn’t an employee.  I was just me. 
This was the first time in what seems like forever, that I was able to take a drive in my car and be myself.  I didn’t have to be on my way to work or play taxi service to my son and his friends or run errands, grocery shop or do anything I didn’t want to do. 
I was able to leave my house, free of responsibilities.   With the sun shining though my car window, I stopped at the local coffee shop for a “to go” cup and then started out to my destination.   It was nice to know I was headed to a destination of choice, not necessity.   I didn’t even bother to turn on the radio.  I was alone with myself.   
 It was nice to get reacquainted with me.  I like me.


Miss Angie said…
Oh, those moments are so lovely aren't they? Glad you were able to do that.
k said…
Oh yay!! How exciting for you!!! I am jealous as I am seriously in need of some ME time (that isn't for studying)!
Brian Miller said…
very cool sounds like a great weekend!
@Miss Angie - It was fantastic!

@K13 - I can't believe how much just a few hours alone rejuvenated me.

@Brian - Thanks. It was cool!
Anonymous said…
Good for you.
I wish I could get things out of my mind and be just with myself. That's harder for me than it sounds, and it's not like I have anything important to worry about.
Sarah said…
Oh that sounds so nice! I have had a day or two where I took off to go shopping and browsing and left the babe with his daddy and it was sooooo nice! I know how much it can recharge you!

And yeah, we did have a very nice time with our family - thanks for asking! Got to see my newest nephew again (2 1/2 weeks old) and we had some yummy dinner and dessert. Also, my brother announced he got engaged the night before so it was a very good time! :)
Ha ha, way to live on the edge. You are too funny. Glad you like you, cause we love you!
Mike said…
Very cool post! I like time to just be with my thoughts.

I have not been here in a while. I love this look! Very Jimmy Buffet of you!
Brindy said…
I love a little 'me' time but sometimes my mind doesn't get into the spirit of things and I end up thinking of things I should be doing and then feel guilty. I wish I could stop the guilt!

Often, I never get further than the coffee shop!
Beatriz said…
aaahhhhh me time :) .....
Mara said…
Sounds fantastic--everyone needs a little "me time."

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