Support for Haiti, a T-Shirt For You…

Threadless T-Shirts is offering you this funky and fun t-shirt for a mere $10 and the best part is that 100% of the proceeds are being donated to the American Red Cross Haitian Relief and Development Fund. Can you say Win, Win?

“Men anpil chay pa lou”
(Translation: Many Hands Make the Load Lighter”)

In my opinion, you can never have enough t-thirts and what better way to support this worthwhile cause? I’ve purchased one for each member of my family. Why not do the same for yours?

My son is a t-shirt junkie and I've purchased many, many t-shirts from Threadless and can attest to their quality and durability. Go here, to get yours now...


Brian Miller said…
neato. will check it out.
Sarah said…
Yeah when I am at home, I relax in t's so this is a great idea. I drove through Burger King the other morning to get a diet coke and the lady asked if I wanted to donate and I said no at the time. I think this is the way to go! I am feeling guilty since I haven't given yet but we have been feeling poor, but then I think, man, if I give up one diet coke a week and one meal out, that would be my donation right there. There is no reason not to give. I think we might do this since we both like t-shirts. Thanks for the great idea!

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