Pain in the...

I'm making my first attempt at scheduling a post, so if you are actually reading this, it means that I've succeeded. Yeah for me! It also means, that I'm not an idiot after all. O.K., well maybe I am, just not today.

Today, instead of blogging working, I will be enjoying a trip to the “ass doctor”. Note the sarcasm in my voice. There will in fact be no enjoyment to this trip.

Rest assured; it’s not me that’s going to be in the hot seat (no pun intended). Even I wouldn’t feel the need to share that with you - at least not until I’ve had a few drinks and have gotten to know you better.

No, I’m chauffeuring H and believe me after this little visit, “pain in the ass” will hold a whole new meaning - to both of us.


Is someone going for a colonoscopy? I haven't had one yet, but I'll have to once I'm 30 because polyps run in both sides of my family. Now that you know my digestive history, I hope that you have a fun time chauffeuring. My parents have both called me after theirs while still under the influence of the medication and the stuff that they say is HILARIOUS. I hope you'll have some good stories!
Brian Miller said…
ouch...think i would need a few drinks for that one too...
k said…
Oh no. fun times ahead!! I will only look forward to the medication part of this exciting activity. Do they start at 40? If so, eeeks...I'm awfully close!!

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